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(English) Make a GIF

Desculpe, este conteúdo só está disponível em English. Por uma questão de conveniência para o utilizador, o conteúdo é mostrado abaixo no idioma alternativo. Pode clicar na ligação para alterar o idioma activo.

GIFs are halfway between an image and video, they can relay more information than a static picture without the time investment of a video.  In journalism they can be used to focus on a particular moment in an event such as in Sports. Or they can add explanation or illustration to a story.


Watch the short screencast below to see how to turn a video into a GIF using  

Share your GIFs with us on Twitter with #MIA_eu or @MediaInAction_

The following resources explain some more ways to use GIFs in the classroom

Mr Ps ICT blog

Maths GIFs 


Final report of the High Level Expert Group on Fake News and Online Disinformation | Digital Single Market

Desculpe, este conteúdo só está disponível em English. Por uma questão de conveniência para o utilizador, o conteúdo é mostrado abaixo no idioma alternativo. Pode clicar na ligação para alterar o idioma activo.

“In January 2018, the European Commission set up a high-level group of experts (“the HLEG”) to advise on policy initiatives to counter fake news and disinformation spread online. The main deliverable of the HLEG was a report designed to review best practices in the light of fundamental principles, and suitable responses stemming from such principles. Continuar a lerFinal report of the High Level Expert Group on Fake News and Online Disinformation | Digital Single Market