(English) Make a GIF

Desculpe, este conteúdo só está disponível em English. Por uma questão de conveniência para o utilizador, o conteúdo é mostrado abaixo no idioma alternativo. Pode clicar na ligação para alterar o idioma activo.

GIFs are halfway between an image and video, they can relay more information than a static picture without the time investment of a video.  In journalism they can be used to focus on a particular moment in an event such as in Sports. Or they can add explanation or illustration to a story.


Watch the short screencast below to see how to turn a video into a GIF using https://imgflip.com/gif-maker  

Share your GIFs with us on Twitter with #MIA_eu or @MediaInAction_

The following resources explain some more ways to use GIFs in the classroom

Mr Ps ICT blog

Maths GIFs 


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