Presenting MIA to the Media Literacy Expert Group, Brussels

MIA was presented to the Media Literacy Expert Group in Brussels, here are the slides and accompanying notes.



Participation. Learning by doing.

In the process of creating media we can teach people how media works.

My 5 year old thinks that things must be true if they are on the tv or on a computer or her teacher told her. So we thought up something which couldn’t be real, like a group of people who worship a flying spaghetti monster, spaghetti growing on trees, park benches with knitted covers… We searched for it… Then we wrote a blog together, we made fake news. We talked about how we know if something is real or not.

She trusts her teacher. This is someone who knows what is right and what is wrong. An educator is in a position not only to give one off lessons on literacy, comprehension, critical thinking… but also to embed good practice in their everyday work. Very small changes could make a big difference. Imagine if every time we talked about a story we also included a fact check, or asked how we know it’s true.

In Media in Action we want educators to be able to work with their school and community groups to use multi media (blogs, videos and podcasts) to tell their stories. Whilst creating, the young participants will gain an understanding of how media works, from the inside.

We are also well aware that educators face a lot of pressure, as such we would like to work with and alongside them to produce a needed, useful and meaningful resource rather than a bolt on ‘one more thing educators are responsible for’.


6-18 Educators (youth and community group leaders, teachers, trainee teachers, teaching assistants, librarians and others)

How are we going to do it?

Train educators in how to run a class/group media centre, the training will cover aspects of media literacy including news literacy, digital citizenship, freedom of the press along with content creation and storytelling.







You can join our network and request more information at this address

Who are we?

The Media in Action consortium is a group of professionals, academics, researchers, journalists and education specialists from across Europe.


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