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(English) MIA in Journal of Media Literacy

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Members of the MIA team have a published article in the Journal of Media literacy – Praxis and Partnerships – 2nd International Media Literacy Research Symposium

Abstract: In this environment of concerns about information disorders, preoccupations about critical knowledge about media and news literacy are in the front page. In this article we consider the relevance of teaching teachers (until 12th grade) in the specific context of a research project, Media In Action, on different issues of media literacy, news literacy and digital storytelling. We specifically address the relevance of journalism as a learning tool, the need for lifelong learning approaches and the use of critical literacies.

“Edited by Belinha De Abreu and Vitor Tomé, this issue brings together researchers from 25 countries and four continents who all traveled to Lisbon, Portugal in April [2018] to share and discuss their current research. Articles represent three different strands from the conference: Media Literacy, Civic Participation/Participatory Culture, and Digital Citizenship.”

The full journal can be downloaded as a pdf from

Transmedia Literacy in the New Media Ecology | White Paper Publication

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English. Per ragioni di convenienza del visitatore, il contenuto è mostrato sotto nella lingua alternativa. Puoi cliccare sul link per cambiare la lingua attiva.

One of the final outputs of the Transmedia Literacy is the White Paper Publication on Transmedia Literacy in the New Media Ecology. Continua la lettura di Transmedia Literacy in the New Media Ecology | White Paper Publication