Archivo de la categoría: Educator Resources


In this section you will find resources contributed by our network of media literacy educators alongside some of the resources produced specifically for and during the face to face training workshops by the MIA team.

(Português) Projeto “(des)Lig@-te”

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É notório que “Os media têm uma adesão crescente por parte dos jovens, seja porque são utilizados com fins informativos, produtivos, transformativos, seja porque facultam diversas formas de relacionamento, em ambientes sociais e digitais. A educação para os media e o desenvolvimento das literacias implicadas no seu uso transformaram-se, neste contexto, numa questão de inclusão e de cidadania. As condições de acesso e os recursos que a biblioteca oferece responsabilizam-na pela criação de oportunidades de aprendizagem, através de situações formativas nesta área e de trabalho articulado com os professores e com a sala de aula.» (Retirado de: Referencial “Aprender com a Biblioteca Escolar” (2017). Rede de Bibliotecas Escolares, pág. 37, 2ª edição).

Seguir leyendo (Português) Projeto “(des)Lig@-te”

(English) OERs in Media Literacy for Educators

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Our MIA colleagues at KIC have updated the  video training course in Media Literacy  (previously available via our YouTube channel and our Maltese sub-site)

You can access the whole course here;

(Italiano) L’importanza dello storytelling nella didattica

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Due video realizzati dai ragazzi dell’Istituto Casimiri di Gualdo Tadino, Perugia

Human too Human 

Oscar or the Ghost? 

(Italiano) La formica diversa, raccontare l’inclusione

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en Italiano. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.    

A Storytelling about social inclusion, realized by the participants of the care centre L’Arboreto, in Italy. 

Questo video è stato realizzato  dai ragazzi ospiti del  Centro diurno  L’ Arboreto, sotto la guida di Francesca, l’educatrice che ha partecipato al Workshop MIA tenutosi a Perugia a settembre 2018.  Un processo di storytelling per raccontare e riflettere su diversità e inclusione a partire dal pensiero e dalla prospettiva dei ragazzi ospiti del centro. 


(English) Make a GIF

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GIFs are halfway between an image and video, they can relay more information than a static picture without the time investment of a video.  In journalism they can be used to focus on a particular moment in an event such as in Sports. Or they can add explanation or illustration to a story.


Watch the short screencast below to see how to turn a video into a GIF using  

Share your GIFs with us on Twitter with #MIA_eu or @MediaInAction_

The following resources explain some more ways to use GIFs in the classroom

Mr Ps ICT blog

Maths GIFs 


(English) Class activity – «Nutritional Labels» for News

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Background Reading

This is a lesson activity designed to encourage critical thinking and analysis of news articles. It is adapted from a workshop at MisInfoCon.  There are no right or wrong answers, the activity provides a lens through which students must analyse the stories rather than merely consume them.


  • Printouts news articles from a variety of sources
  • Example food labels
  • (Optional – multimedia such as a news video or podcast)

How to do it;

Introduce the activity by showing some example food labels, ask how do we know if a food is good for us?

Briefly discuss or recap what sort of things you would look for to determine how reliable and accurate a news story or piece of media is.

(You could use the cheat sheet from the theory presentation)

Ask students to work in pairs to create their own labelling system for news. They should aim to choose 4 or 5 key ingredients. Give each group one story to work with. Once they have produced their ‘tool’ give them a different story and ask them if their tool still works.

Each pair should then present back their ideas to the group.


Created in conjunction with Rula Awad and MisInfoCon





(English) Life Stories – Portugal

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Some of the great voices from the Portuguese teachers!

Fátima Ribeiro – Agrupamento de Escolas de Vallis Longus Valongo:


Ana Vidal – Escola Secundária Filipa de Vilhena:


Elisabete Natália Carvalho da Silva – Agrupamento de Escolas Vallis Longus:


Ana Cristina Teixeira Andrade – Escola Básica Padre António Luís Moreira – AE de Carvalhos: