On 9 May, the “II Meeting of Innovative Centres of Andalusia” was held at the University of Huelva (Andalusia-Spain), as part of the research project “Innovative Centres” by the DIM-EDU group and organised jointly with Agora Group (HUM-648) belonging to the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Sports Sciences of the University of Huelva. The conference was attended by 300 teachers from nursery, primary and secondary schools throughout Spain.
The main objective of this meeting was to exchange knowledge and experiences between schools that are already innovating in the classroom in order to better guide the actions they are already carrying out. The aim of the conference was also to provide guidance and examples for centres that are beginning this process.
Within the framework of this meeting, our Media in Action project was presented by the Spanish team, represented by Paloma Contreras-Pulido, Mª Amor Pérez-Rodríguez, and Daniela Jaramillo-Dent, who had the opportunity to explain the main lines of the project and to provide attending educators with the possibility of participating in future MIA training activities.